A weekly newsletter to inspire & enhance your product iterations.

Because we all know our work is constantly evolving, never done & always improving.

What will land in your inbox for your Saturday morning coffee?
5 Tools
3 Stories
2 Inspos
JOIn over 10 iterators

So.. what's the gameplan?


Enable submitting your own Stories, Tools & Inspos

The first step on the agenda will be co-creating this product iteration focused newsletter with you, by enabling you to submit content & features.


A Medium
Publication for more submissions

Absolutely key & integral to creating the iterations.design brand authority will be a Medium publication, where you can submit & read stories of iterators just like you.


A Slack Community of like-minded iterators

The Slack community is the one I am most excited about, as that is going to be the platform, where you will be able to bounce off ideas & iterations almost seamlessly!


Open up for sponsorshipscollaborations

At one point this also needs to pay off. But, if we hit a sizeable subscriber base & you are working on a product that needs promotion. Then we can always chat!

you Don't wanna miss out

Join the growing community of iterators!

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Made with 🧠 by Julian Paul
©2020 iterations.design